I no longer aspire to being a heavy drinker, a status I rarely achieved even when physically capable, but a full evening life including village meetings, choir practices, the Stammtisch, and music-lesson waiting-time does allow for frequent single or double pints in a variety of establishments. Dave Mitchell, semi-retired Proprietor.
Here, temporarily is a small number of establishments we like:
The BOAT Scarthin, Cromford of course
The GREYHOUND, Market Place, Cromford
The FLYING CHILDERS Stanton in (the) Peak
The ROYAL OAK North End, Wirksworth
The TEMPLE HOTEL Temple Road, Matlock Bath
The BARLEY MOW The Dale, Bonsal
The THREE STAGS HEAD Darley Bridge
and out of this area, but a Peak Experience recently:
The CANN OFFICE HOTEL Llangadfan, Powys