Author Submissions
If you are a self-published or self-financed author then it can be tricky getting your book stocked by an independent bookshop, but not impossible.
Here are a few pointers to consider before contacting us (or choosing a publisher):
We DO NOT stock any books published by Amazon’s own publishing platform (previously known as CreateSpace)
It is preferable that your books are distributed by the main UK wholesaler Gardners, which makes it easier for us to restock when your book sells. Check this with your publisher before contacting us
One of the most common reasons for us rejecting books - aside from distribution - is poor cover/book design. You may have written a wonderful book but if the cover has a pixelated image and WORDART text (you’d be surprised!) then it’s a ‘no’ from us
We rarely accept self-published/financed children’s books, crime novels or family history/autobiographies - we receive these at an alarming rate. You are more likely to achieve success with well-produced local interest subjects or literary fiction
Please note, it is best to send details of your book via email, for the attention of David Booker. Please do not turn up unannounced, clutching a copy and hoping for a quick decision.
There is a wonderful local bookshop in Heanor, Bizy Lizy Books, that specialises in stocking and promoting local/self-published authors so do contact them if you fall short of some of the above criteria.
You can get in-depth advice on submitting your newly published work to bookshops from The Booksellers Association website HERE—>